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  • EnviroAire T Series 2 Stage Oil-Free Screw Air Compressors

    Choose oil-free and eliminate risk with the EnrivoAire T Series compressors. For many industries, air purity is a critical factor where even the smallest drop of oil risks contamination that can result in spoiled product, downtime, damaged equipment, and most importantly - damage to brand reputation. The risk is nullified when you invest in Gardner Denver oil-free air compressors.

  • EnviroAire TVS Series 2 Stage Oil-Free Screw Air Compressors

    In today’s world, taking unnecessary risks can result in damage to your brand's reputation. When your application requires clean, oil-free air, the EnviroAire TVS stands second to none. This oil-free air compressor prevents contamination of product, resulting in less downtime. An investment in an EnviroAire TVS Series air compressor is an investment in peace of mind.

  • Ultima U Series 2 Stage Oil-Free Screw Air Compressors

    This next gen oil-free air compressor utilizes high efficiency low/high pressure dry screw airends. Each airend is individually driven by a motor that operates at 97% efficiency. The Ultima provides up to 70% turndown, delivers low off-load power consumption, while maintaining a 63-69 dBA noise performance. This oil-free air compressor also provides superior heat recovery.

  • EnviroAire VS Series Single Stage Variable Speed Water Injected Oil-Less Screw Air Compressors

    Perfect for all applications where no oil can be present, the EnviroAire VS oil-less air compressor gives you a clean, reliable air supply that benefits your business and your bottom line. Certified to ISO 8573-1 Class Zero (2010) standards and silicone free, there is absolutely no risk of oil contaminating your product. An investment in this highly engineered product leads to less downtime and more productivity.

  • EnviroAire S Series Fixed Speed Oil-Less Rotary Scroll Air Compressors

    The EnviroAire S series scroll compressors are fixed speed, single stage, 100% oil-less compressors from 3 - 10 HP (per pump). Scroll packages have been designed specifically for industrial, laboratory, and medical applications in a variety of configurations. The EnviroAire S scroll systems meet current CSA standards, are NFPA 99 code compliant, and are offered in several designated flow designs.

  • EnviroAire ES Series Fixed Speed Oil-Less Rotary Scroll Air Compressors

    Packaged in a sound attenuating enclosure, the EnviroAire ES products are fixed speed, single staged oil-less air compressors. Engineered for clean air applications, systems meet current CSA standards and are offered in multiple designated flow designs. Scroll packages have been designed for industrial and laboratory use. Available pressure is 116 or 140 PSI on this oil-less air compressor.

  • V & W Series Oil-Less Reciprocating Air Compressors

    The unique design of the V&W Series assures the long life and productivity. Our continuing program of product research and development assures that each Gardner Denver compressor includes the latest advancements in oil-less compressor technology. Internal moving parts in the V&W Oil-Less design are protected from wear without conventional lubrication. Crankshaft and rod bearings are lubricated by exclusive sealed, solid synthetic lubricants. Pistons move on alloyed heat-resistant filled Teflon guide and compression rings. The result is low maintenance, high durability and pure, oil-less air!

  • MTO II Series Oil-Less Reciprocating Air Compressors

    Gardner Denver's MTO II is changing the way the world uses oil-free compressed air. By developing a compressor that can run 24 hours a day, Gardner Denver has eliminated the need for oversizing and back-up units that add unnecessary expense. The craftsmanship of the MTO II is nothing short of the best in the industry. This compressor is ideal for continuous or intermittent operation.

  • PureAir T & TVS Series 90-160 Kilowatt (kW) 2 Stage Oil-Free Rotary Screw Air Compressors

    The PureAir T/TVS 90-160 kW Series of oil-free compressors is a continuation in our long heritage of compressed air products. Utilizing state-of-the-art design and simulation software, combined with decades of experience in oil-free compression, Gardner Denver continues to deliver on our promise to offer the most efficient and reliable oil-free compressors available.

  • PureAir T & TVS Series 185-355 Kilowatt (kW) 2 Stage Oil-Free Rotary Screw Air Compressors

    The PureAir T/TVS 185-355 kW Series of oil-free compressors is a continuation in our long heritage of compressed air products. Utilizing state-of-the-art design and simulation software, combined with decades of experience in oil-free compression, Gardner Denver continues to deliver on our promise to offer the most efficient and reliable oil-free compressors available.