Electrostatic Precipitators or Mechanical Aircleaners for Residential, Commercial or Industrial Applications
Personal Contact Information:
Electrostatic Precipitators or Mechanical Aircleaners for Residential, Commercial or Industrial Applications
Personal Contact Information:
1. Company Name:
2. Your Name:
3. Email Address:
4. Street Address:
5a. City:
5b. State:
5c. Zip Code:
6. Country:
7. Phone Number(s):
Information About Your Air Cleaner Application:
9. Enter Manufacturer's model number: (if known)
10. What is the general application for the air cleaner?
11. What type of air cleaner are you interested in?
12. Air cleaner design choice?
13. Installation Placement of Air Cleaner:
14. What is the air flow direction thru the aircleaner?
15. If the air cleaner is for an in-duct application (air-handler NOT included), please enter capacity required:
16. For self-contained applications (air-handler to be included within the precipitator), please enter capacity required:
17. Dimensions of the room to be cleaned ( Specify LXWXH):
Height Length Width
18. Allowable pressure drop thru the aircleaner system:
19. Operating environment of aircleaner:
20. Target number of air changes required: ( # of times per hour all room air is cleaned)
Information about the Particles to be removed from the Air Stream:
21. Particulate Type: (Ctrl-Click to Make Multiple Selections)
22. Particulate Size: (microns)
23. Particulate Bulk Density Measurement: (grams/cm3)
24. If the medium stream that suspends the particulates (contamination) is NOT entirely air, please provide chemical name, chemical formula and molar % for each gas type in the medium:
25. What is the temperature of air or gas medium:
26. Electrical Power Available: (Complete All)
Hz Phase Voltage
27. Electrical Code / Classification and Standard(s) Applicable:
28a. Electric motor specifications: (Ctrl-Click to Make Multiple Selections) (Select One or Many)
28b. What type of motor starter features do you need? (Ctrl-Click to Make Multiple Selections) (Select One or Many)
28c. How do you want the Motor Starter incorporated? (Ctrl-Click to Make Multiple Selections) (Select One or Many)
Information About Any Features & Options Needed:
29. The precipitator's cells will gather contamination over time and require cleaning. Specify your preferred cleaning method:
30. If you select integral wash for 29, then spray manifolds are installed in the precipitator. Your hot water is sprayed on the cells. Surfactant can be injected into the hot water for enhanced cleaning. Is this required?
31. If you selected the optional automatic wash feature (with or without surfactant injection), what type of wash control design do you prefer?
32. Are pre- or post aircleaner plenums required? Plenums are transitional ductwork that connect your facility ductwork to the aircleaner’s housing at both the inlet and discharge. Explain in detail or attach a drawing.
33. Are any other controls, features, accessories or options needed? (Please explain.)
34. Are there any written specifications available? Enter here or see above file attachment feature. You can also send a separate email to info@uapc.com or send a fax to (757) 461-0077 with additional written requirements.
35. Describe the aircleaner product application and the geographical location for use. Please explain in detail.
See File Attachment Feature at the Top of this Form.
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